Felix W. Vetter


Felix W. Vetter

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Felix Vetter is an Assistant Professor of Accounting at the MIT Sloan School of Management.

His primary fields of research include regulation, audit markets, labor economics, and real effects of disclosure and transparency in labor markets.

He received his BSc in economics and his MSc business administration from Humboldt University Berlin, Germany, He was a visiting PhD student at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and received his PhD in accounting from the London School of Economics and Political Science.

He has received the London School of Economics Doctoral Scholarship and their Teaching Excellence Award in 2017-18. He has also received the Economic and Social Research Council Advanced Quantitative Methods Scholarship 2015–2018.


"The Effect of Supervisors on Employee Misconduct."

Kowaleski, Zachary T., Andrew Sutherland, and Felix W. Vetter. The Accounting Review Vol. 99, No. 3 (2024): 287-313.

"Labor Market Effects of Spatial Licensing Requirements: Evidence from CPA Mobility."

Cascino, Stefano, Ane Tamayo, and Felix W. Vetter. Journal of Accounting Research Vol. 59, No. 1 (2021): 111-161.